Leer es pasión...

En cada día de mi vida he experimentado diversas sensaciones, dolor, amor, amistad, respeto, odio y muchas que quizás son comunes durante la adolescencia, sin embargo no hay nada que me aparte de dos sentimientos que siempre estarán calados en las más sensibles fibras de mi castaña piel: el amor y la pasión por la lectura. El amor por un lado por ser el único sentimiento que te hace feliz a la vez que te hace sufrir, cuando amas con todas tus fuerzas puedes estar segura que te deparará un sufrimiento devastador, sin embargo al final podrás sentir satisfacción al saber que has amado. Pero la lectura es diferente, no siempre puedes disfrutar de algo que no te exija mucho a cambio; cuando lees tu imaginación viaja más allá que en cualquier otro momento, es un momento íntimo, en el que solo tu alma y tu imaginación están conectados, no hay intrusos, solo la sensación de que vives una vida diferente porque sientes que vives lo que lees.
Sí, leer es pasión y la mayor pasión sin reproches que hay en el mundo es LEER....

jueves, noviembre 10, 2011

Frases apasionadas

Luego de leer un libro una de las mejores formas de recordarlo es leer una y otra vez sus citas, así recordar los momentos que más nos gustaron y revivir de cierta forma la lectura.

Aquí les dejo algunas frases de los últimos dos libros que leí: Afterlife y Shadow Kiss

ALERTA: Podrían haber spoilers en estas frases!

Shadow Kiss
---“No," Dimitri interrupted gently. He moved his face toward mine, our foreheads nearly touching. "It won't happen to you. You're too strong. You'll fight it, just like you did this
"I only did because you were here." He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest. "I can't do it by myself," I whispered.
"You can," he said. There was a tremulous note in his voice. "You're strong—you're so, so strong. It's why I love you.” ----
---“It's not about you, okay? This time, it's about me. Not you. All my life, Lissa... all my life, it's been the same. They come first. I've lived my life for you. I've trained to be your shadow, but you know what? I want to come first. I need to take care of myself for once. I'm tired of looking out for everyone else and having to put aside what I want. Dimitri and I did that, and look what happened. He's gone. I will never hold him again. Now I owe it to him to do this. I'm sorry if it hurts you, but it's my choice!”---
--“I love you, Roza." He kissed me again. "I'll always be here for you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
The words were wonderful and dangerous. He shouldn't have said anything like that to me. He shouldn't have been promising he'd protect me, not when he was supposed to dedicate his life to protecting Moroi like Lissa. I couldn't be first in his heart, just like he couldn't be first in mine. That was why I shouldn't have said what I said next-but I did anyway.
"And I won't let anything happen to you," I promised. "I love you." He kissed me again, swallowing off any other words I might have added.”--


--“Forget normal.” He grinned. “We’re going to be extraordinary.”--

--“I’ll never die", he said. Before I could protest, Lucas put two fingers on my lips, his smile seemed to fill the room with lights and I realized he was telling a deeper kind of truth then I’d ever known before
“You’ll live forever and being remembered by you is the only immortality I’ll ever need if I only live on as a part of you – Bianca, that’s my idea of heaven”--

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